What Career is best for me?
What profession will I be best at?
These are questions that often haunt our minds.

Am I in the right field.
Should I have chosen a different career path?

Numerology and Numbers can give us an overview of what we will be best at.

According to our date of birth and our name and some finer details in our auras we can decode certain information about a person’s abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and skills.

One needs to know their birth number and life path number.

To know how to calculate your numbers.
Click on this link.

Number 1
Number 1 people are ruled by the sun and are hence most suited in jobs where they are highly visible.
Being visible, being recognized and in command are the key attributes of a number 1 person.
Number 1s are also suited for business and politics.
They usually gain success and fame with very little effort.

Number 2

Number 2’s are ruled by the moon and hence have very volatile careers.
They are best suited in jobs where they are under the guidance of a boss or mentor.
Number 2 people are not good decision-makers.
They are creative, artistic and good at drama acting or performing.
Singers, actors directors artists, and anything to do with creativity and entertainment suits them best
They make good fashion designers, architects, and graphic designers.

Number 2’s can also become good tarot readers and counselors.
They have a natural flair to esoteric sciences.

Number 2’s must never start a business on their own. They must have a business partner if they take on the business.

Number 3

Number 3’s are ruled by Jupiter.
3’s are very good at being the hoss and being in command like number 1’s.
They are meant to be successful and prominent in their work.
Business, heads of companies and glamour is the area of work they find success in easily.
Number 3’s dont make good followers.
They are born leaders.

Number 4

4’s are ruled by Rahu. 4’s have a tricky relationship with their careers. If you are a number 4 you will definitely relate to this.
4’s have a tough time in jobs. They get treated like a doormat. Their colleagues treat them bad. Bosses never give a 4 his due respect. They are always struggling.
4’s doing business are not assertive enough as bosses.
They need a shoulder to shoot over.
If they have a business partner they get cheated or treated bad or get the short end of the stick.

4 always struggles to find the perfect balance in their careers.

Number 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9,s in the next post.

Post your comments and questions.
Further guidance on what is the perfect career to choose is done with a fingerprint analysis and aura photography.

Call 9900120034 to get ur career analysis done.