

Astrology helps in predicting life events such as marriage, career, moving abroad, education, money, family, health, properties, legal issues and many more for a person.

Are you looking for answers to such questions:

1) When will I get married? How will my married life be? How to be loved more by the partner?

2) How will my Health be? What are areas of concern?

3) Will I move aboard? When? Where? Education abroad?

4) When will I buy a house? Will I get any inheritance? Win a jackpot? Will I be wealthy and rich?

5) When will I have children? How many? How will my children’s future be? Their education?

We will prepare and explain your Vedic Astrology chart which is a blueprint of your life. It will tell you about your personality traits, relationship with your family members, Inheritance, what field of career, health what aspects you need to be taken care of, etc.

Based on the number of questions and how detailed you would like to know these aspects you can choose a suitable Reading.

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Types of Astrology Consult

Full Analysis, One Area


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