Psychic Healing, Cutting Chord Healing and Tarot
All 3 of the experiences have been amazing to say the least. For the tarot card reading we just instantly connected and she has such a warm energy about her and she answers the questions you have with a lot of patience with literally no judgement. She just really went right deep into the subject that she answers questions which I had forgotten I wanted to ask. It gave me that confidence and reassurance to carry on with what I was doing. The chord cutting was just something else. It literally felt as if a rope was being pulled out of my back and she had a big knife and was just going dishoom dishoom. It was without a doubt heavy, but totally worth it in the long run. The feeling I had was like as if a heavy weight had been lifted from inside. I really felt as if she cut away everything that was negative for me. Her psychic healing is just amazing. She just picked up on soo many things, and just gave me goosebumps. I don’t think I have felt so light in a long time. It literally felt as if she had unplugged the sink plug and just let all the toxicity and negativity drain away. I was in a very calm, zen like energy. The messages she passed onto me felt so real and left me in awe. She really passes on some deep messages to you. I think this year the psychic healing was one of the best gifts I gave to myself this year. She even did healing for someone else I know, and the magic and change I saw in the person was like OMG. I could see it in the persons eyes. There is a saying that “eyes don’t lie’! I was soo happy! I wish her energy stays protected and may she always stay blessed and as powerful as she is. She is really truly gifted and anyone would really benefit from her magical powers