Tarot Reading with Jankie
I had a reading with Jankie a few days back regarding my work life decisions. I appeared for almost all rounds of interview of company A and was almost through the process at the same time I was about to start interviewing for Company B. In such crossroads I wanted to understand my chances of converting company A. Jankie with all her soul told me to my surprise that my path for Company B would be easier and I might get the job. I was a little unsure if such would be the result, but with time the interview process for company B has been smooth and I am gliding through with her and Papa's blessings. Her words always reverberate in my ears. The best part about her is that she has taken updates from me about my process and the outcomes. This gesture of hers has touched my heart. It shows she CARES and that is IMPORTANT. I TRUST her. She has an infectious energy and she does have a magic wand which is her learnings and her beautiful smile. May she always be happy and blessed.