Reiki Treatment

The word Reiki is a combination of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom” or the “Higher Power” and Ki which is “Life Force Energy”. Founded in Japan for stress reduction and relaxation with healing the...

Feng Shui Turtle

Feng shui is a Chinese term which means Wind-Water. It is a system of balancing or enhancing energy around a person, place, or object to bring harmony in the Tao or energy of that subject for desired results. It is based on the principle of flow of energy and hence...

Feng Shui Horse

What comes to your mind with the word Horse? It is a symbol of energy, power, victory, and stamina for us. We have never seen a horse sitting because it never sits, it keeps on standing or running. Hence, it represents the energy and power which keeps on flowing, an...

What are the Different Types of Gemstones?

We are all familiar with types of gemstones for ages. We have been using them for years and now they are also used as a healing art in our lives. There are Nine planets against which most of the gemstones – precious or semi-precious are categorized. The precious...

Which Gemstones Can be Worn Together?

A gemstone is a name given to a piece of mineral or other rock or organic material that after it has been cut and polished has been made into a piece of jewelry or another accessory. We find them in 2 categories ie. precious and semi-precious gemstones. A suitable...