Aura Reading

66 30 minutes

Aura readings can help you know what’s happening. There may be negative energy you’re giving off that you weren’t even aware of—or you could be allowing others’ energies to affect you more than you even realize. This healing is recommended to those who have been beaten down in their lives man a time and want to conquer them and embrace a change.


An aura is described as an electromagnetic field that surrounds a person’s body and is associated with their energy. While there are different layers and colors to each person’s aura that all mean different things, every person likely has one predominant aura color. Your aura can change, depending on your state of mind. The colors of the aura are associated with a different type of energy and/or personality.

Each aura color by itself is generally positive, but the different shades of a color can indicate negative energy. Like, dark green can indicate jealousy, but emerald green can indicate that a person centers their life around love.

A “bad” aura can also be sensed when someone is simply just having a hard time, e.g., they just got in a fight with their roommate or they’re currently being forced to be around people they don’t like. (We’ve all been there.) Once you take some time to calm down and find balance, your aura will likely go back to normal.

Every overall aura color gives out a message and sometimes multiple messages. These messages are Psychically perceived by the practitioner and interpreted.

Aura readings can help you know what's happening. There may be negative energy you’re giving off that you weren’t even aware of—or you could be allowing others’ energies to affect you more than you even realize. This healing is recommended to those who have been beaten down in their lives man a time and want to conquer them and embrace a change. This session will be topped up by remedies that will help you cope better.


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