Name Correction

People with the troublesome date of birth or life path numbers need a name correction. Their name may be their only saving grace.

Business Name Numerology

A business name numerology session can reveal several factors that can have a detrimental effect on your life and your business.

Baby Name Numerology

We are proud that we have bestowed some of the best names to several newborn babies which have given the perfect positive start to their lives.

Lucky Letter for baby name

Numerology Services

When a person is born under the influence of a negative number they go through struggle and strife in their life. They work very hard with no success or recognition. Their relationships suffer and others take credit for their work. Sometimes all the hard work gets drained and completion is almost impossible.

A corrected name as per numerology can correct the defect of the date of birth and turn things around for the individual or the business.

Using numerology, you can discover your strengths and weaknesses, inner needs, emotional reactions, and ways of dealing with others, as well as your talents. You can help yourself by becoming aware of your own character and learning to understand and deal with others — for example, family, friends, lovers, employers, and employees. You can even find out what kind of potential energy and what types of stress currently exist in your life, and in the lives of those around you.

Whether you use numerology to examine your life, take advantage of unexplored opportunities, confirm talents that in your heart you know are there, or simply figure out where to go next, numerology can be a penetrating tool to help you better understand yourself and the ones you love most. Numerology gives you the whole picture, allowing you to see all the diverse parts of your personality and how they uniquely come together to make the person you are.

Sheelaa M Bajaj

Sheelaa M Bajaj, a renowned Numerologist, and tarot card reader with excellent skills in Online Tarot Card Reading, Life coaching, Feng shui, Baby names, and Business name. I am also a certified facilitator and teache many master-level courses in multiple Sciences. My team at Rising Phoenix conducts online tarot card reading.

“I worked extensively in the areas of increasing luck factors in one’s life and making them more successful with fewer difficulties.”

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14 + 11 =

Sheelaa M Bajaj


Monday: 11am –7pm
Tuesday: 11am – 7pm
Wednesday: 11am -7pm
Thursday: 11am – 7pm
Friday: 11am –7pm
Saturday: 11am -7pm




Evantha Pinecrest, 372, 4th block, Koramangala, Bengaluru