Jankie has been an angel in our life . Best decision of my life so far
It all started in September last year when I reached out to Sheelaa’s office for tarot reading. Have been a secret admirer of Sheela from years after listening her on Radio and always wanted to experience this. But unless I reached Cross roads in my life , I didn’t take this decision . From first reading down by Jankie, I started getting my answers and since then it has been all blessings and gratitude as our life has changed for good . Jankie is so bang on and magical where you feel all the divine connectivity when you talk to her. It’s not monetary but our life has never been so composed and sorted earlier . We followed all suggestions/ remedies as suggested by Jankie and it’s a lifetime relationship now to follow all this as it is integral part of our life now. Be it BLR for 108 days, candles every week / stones ... more we do , more satisfying it is . My huge gratitude to Papa Elegua , Temple of Miracles ,Sheela and Jankie . It’s magical how this all works and how rewarding it is . Some roads closed but others roads opened for our betterment. Visting Temple of Miracles is so divine that words are less to express that feeling . So thanks Jankie from bottom of our heart to guide us through this light of hope and positivity and faith